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Witches & Women: The Story of How They Made the World

once upon a time

there were only Witches and Women

every Woman was a Witch and every Witch was a Woman

they lived in peace in the forests speaking to the birds

they lived in peace on the ocean shores dancing with the waves

they lived in peace in the deserts making love to the quiet din of night

each Witch had her power and each Woman had her flame

each Witch had her cauldron and each Woman had her hearth

and though they lived in peace and joy and pleasure for many eons, communing with the animals and earthen life, there came a time when the Witches and the Women wanted something more

the Goddess smiled sunset down upon them and each Witch gathered her power in her cauldron and each Woman gathered her flame in her hearth

and so the spell went:

Goddess, Goddess

you weave our world

we dance with darkness

and starlight twirled 

bring us the best and the worst of them

something called children

and something else called men

test our hearts and test our power

to expand our love

we risk for all to sour 

and so the Goddess and her lover dripped the blood and seed and water of life into the black void of the Witches’ cauldrons

and upon the flames of the Women’s hearths the Witches’ power bubbled

the cauldrons sizzled and popped and burned as the moon went from light to dark to light to dark nine times in the Goddess’s sky

then with a bang! the world unleashed

each Woman had a man and each Mother had a child

each man protected each Woman and the flame upon her hearth

so each child was free 

but in the wild dark of night the Witches still gathered with their powers and their cauldrons

and so the world went on

until one day one man got angry when he realized that it was the Witches and the Women who brought him into being

he wanted to be the one with the cauldron and the power and the hearth and the flame

so he convinced his fellow men that each Woman was a Witch and each Witch was evil

so the Witches hid in the dark shadows of the forests, in the caves on the ocean shores, and in the quiet din of night of the desert

the girls who grew up to be Women forgot that they too were supposed to grow up to be Witches

the men most evil tried to steal the cauldrons and the hearths

but the power would not bloom and the flames all refused to light

sometimes there would be a girl who grew into a Woman who knew she was a Witch

and sometimes children would be free

and sometimes men would understand 

but overtime the peace and joy and pleasure of the earth long ago tended to by Witches and Women were slowly destroyed by the greedy hands of men who pretended they were not born from the Witches’ cauldrons upon the Women’s hearths

the Women tried to choose men who would honor them

the Mothers tried to raise their children to remember the ancient ways

and the Witches prayed to the Goddess:

what have we done

to live in such a world

that hates us so?

what have we done

to live in such a world

that believes the cauldrons that birthed each living soul are filled with dark and evil magick?

what have we done

to live in such a world

that the hearths and flames of Women are not protected above all else?

and the Goddess could offer them only this:

one day

when the men have blown up the world

and the earth’s lands lay barren

there will once again be 

Witches and Women

with flames in their hearths

and their sacred cauldrons

from which the worlds are birthed


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