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I Will Not Be Caged

I will not be caged by your idea of me.⁠

By the societal expectations you put on me.⁠

I won’t make myself small to be like you.⁠

To wake up each morning dreading my life, like you.⁠

I won’t give up on my dreams for you.⁠

Look at the world with limits to stay by you.⁠

I won’t view my blood as a curse like you.⁠

Hide my skin from the sun to be pure like you.⁠

I won’t be told what to do by you.⁠

Take advice from someone who stresses like you.⁠

I won’t hide my passions and beliefs like you.⁠

Pretend I’m normal to fit in like you.⁠

I won’t ignore my intuition like you.⁠

Disregard my wisdom to adhere to you.⁠

I will not be caged by your idea of me.⁠

By the societal expectations you put on me.⁠

Because, my darling,⁠

I am free.⁠

I will live my life like a dream, for me.⁠

Create my reality to be safe for me.⁠

I will be big and bold and wild for me.⁠

Let my intuition be the only guide for me.⁠

I will move my body with the wind in me.⁠

Let oceans of pleasure cascade over me.⁠

I will kiss the sun with my skin, for me.⁠

Bless the Earth with my blood to feel alive for me.⁠

I will share my beliefs with the fire in me.⁠

Live by the moon inside of me.⁠

And guess what OUR world will be?⁠

So fucking different because of me.⁠


Are you SO READY to break free of the cage society wants to keep you in? Are you ready to feel completely connected to your womb, your menstrual cycle, your sexuality, and your body as a whole?


Then it's time for you to discover your Wild Soul.

In this exclusive three month mentorship, I will hold space for you to become the most embodied, confident, wild, and pleasureful version of yourself.

It's time to spread your wings 🦋


© 2024 Morgan of the Moon

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